Ethical Guidelines

Hamdard Islamicus is interested in publishing research-based articles on Islam’s different aspects, implementation of Shari’ah rules, and issues relating to the contemporary world.

In this regard comparative analysis is commendable.

It covers Islamic History and Islamic architecture as well.

It may be mentioned that no polemic debate is allowed on our journal’s pages.

Articles should be written in the English language with proper documentation.
For endnotes Chicago style is necessary.

Primary sources should be preferred.

Without primary sources, secondary sources are considered weak.

Soft copy should be sent in MS Word format double spaced and a margin of one inch from each side on A4 size paper Kindly send your c.v. as well.

No author is allowed to send his/her research article to more than one journal simultaneously.

The article may be sent to another journal only after getting final regrets from the Hamdard Islamicus.

All the correspondence would be with the principal author.