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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Attach your Resume/CV along with your Research Manuscript.
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Author Guidelines

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Chicago Citation Style Sample [PDF]

Title of the Script (16pt, Bold ,Times New Roman)

First Author’s Name1* (Apply* to the Corresponding author),

1* Affiliation (Department, Faculty/College, Institution/University)
Author's email:
Second Author’s Name2

2, Affiliation if different (Department, Faculty/College, Institution/University)
Author's email:

  • Scope

Hamdard Islamicus is an Academic Journal devoted to Islamic research and scholarship It is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and, where ever necessary, critically on different disciplines of Islamic Studies including, but not limited to; Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Fiq’h, Tafseer, History, Ideology, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, Jurisprudence, Banking, Finance, Political Sciences, Int’l Relations, Religious Studies, Business, Economics, Psychology, Social Issues, Education and Parenting. It brings out the achievements of Muslims in the fields of Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences.

  • General Guidelines

Complete length of the manuscript should be between 6000-7000 words excluding Abstract and end notes. It should be formatted to be on A4 sized paper, with 12pt font size for the text and 14-pt for headings.


  1. Abstract :( 14pt, Bold, Times New Roman)

The abstract of the manuscript should be in the range of 150 (min) to 250 (max) words. The abstract must meet the below given criteria:

1- Should be a single paragraph with continuous synchronized sentences.
2- No sub heading and bullets are allowed.
3- If any abbreviation is used, its definition is necessary at its first mention.
4- Abstract must clearly and briefly defines the problem, research methodology, and
 author’s contribution to approach the defined problem and outcomes of the research.
5-Keywords: For indexing purpose, 3-7 keywords are required related to the article,

  1. Introduction :( 14pt, Bold, Times New Roman)

Research article would start with the breakup of “Introduction”. Which contains discussion on the problem, motivation, challenges and author contribution to this piece of work.  Define the clear goals and objectives. The introduction should reveal some broad knowledge of the overall topic and quickly focus on the major point of the paper. This introduction section ought to be concise and followed with no sub heading unless necessary and may define the organization or outline of article.

  1. Background, History, Review-of Literature and Methodology:
    (14pt, Bold, Times New Roman)

This section would provide passable background/literature review to support the research piece.  A Review-of-Literature is more to cater information from various significant sources which provides support to the major points of the article. Only End-notes are allowed (at the end of manuscript) for citing the references in Chicago Manual of Style with no running sentences. The referred Journal, Books, Edited books must strictly follow the style provided in the given link. The study must contain the recent references from last 1 or 2 years in order to exhibit the existing and shaping challenges of recent advancements. If use any narration "It must be in closed quotation mark with italic font” along with the end-note reference1 .

Methodology section defines Problem statement, all the relevant and passable details of procedures, methods and tools adapted to meet the research objective and challenges. If the research piece is using any sort of data, then its source must be cited properly with author/creator name, title, published date of dataset/statistics, publisher, URL or other availability or access information of dataset. It can be segregated into different relevant segment and sub-segments according to the research requirement.  This section must maintain synchronization with upcoming sections of manuscript.

  1. Research outcomes/ result/findings (If any)

Make sure this container is not for the discussion. Here the author must present its finding, data representations/comparison charts /comparative analysis. If the data is represented in table form then it must be cross referenced Table 1


















                                                                         Table 1

The Results section presents the experimental data to the reader, and is not a place for discussion or interpretation of the data.

Preparation of Figures and Tables

Authors are supposed to embed all figures and tables at appropriate place within manuscript. Figures and tables should neither be submitted in separate files nor add at the end of manuscript. Figures and Tables should be numbered properly with descriptive title. Each Figure/Table must be explained within the text by referring to corresponding figure/table number. Any unexplained or unnumbered Figure/Table may cause rejection of the paper without being reviewed.

  1. Argument, Critique or Discussion

The unbiased important points or claims of the research work that are defined earlier are discussed here. The discussion is required to be reasonable, precise, well-supported, posit and the interpretation of the research findings. Use extensive classical citation along with recent literature work.

  1. Conclusions

The conclusion section should in range of 250-450 with running sentences. The conclusion section must define the below:

1- Main outcome of the research work.
2- Research significance (importance of the research).
3- Relevance.
4- Limitation.
5- Application.
6- Recommendations.

Note:  Do not use citation, cross-reference, subheading, point-list in this section.

  1. Declarations


All acknowledgments (assuming any) ought to be remembered in a separate section before the references and may incorporate list of peoples who supported and contributed to the research work in anyway.

Funding source

The funding source section will be added if there is any funding source or supporting grant to the proposed research piece. It will be mention here in this section with the full name of funding agency and supporting grant with the grant number.

  1. References

All references are required to be complete, accurate, authentic and primary (Journal, online books, proceedings, patents, authentic websites with permanent archival policy). Grey literature (unauthentic website, news portal, social media, Wikipedia etc.) are not encouraged. If the author is referring hadith, Tafasir or fiqh books then use original root books.

Important notes:

-For Holy Quranic text (Arabic) used font AHT Times New Roman follow transliteration-guideline (available on official website) the translation must be italic, middle align and from the  editions of  MuftiTaqi Usmani only. The reference style for Quranic verse should be as follows:

The Holy Qur'an, surah num:ayat num, Translated by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (Karachi:
Maktaba Ma’ariful Quran, 2010)

-For Hadith text (Arabic) used font AHT Times New Roman follow transliteration-guideline (available on official website) the translation in the body of manuscript must be italic, middle align and from the authentic books of hadith only. The reference style for Hadith should be as follows:

The Sahih Al-Bukhari, chap num:Hadith num, Translated by Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Kahn (Riyadh:
Darussalam Publishers and Distributors, 1997)

-Only End-notes are allowed for citing sources in Chicago Manual of Style with no running sentences.

- A maximum number of three authors are allowed in an article.

-Please follow the below given Guide for representing Holy terms.


Guide to represent Holy Terms In Hamdard Islamicus


Word or phrase

Replace by



Allah Almighty


A.S. or Alaihissalam

(‘Alaih As-SalÉm)


A.S. or Alaihimassalam

(‘Alaihim As-SalÉm)


Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)/(SAWS)

(×aÌrat Muhammad RasËlullah KhÉtam un NabiyyÊn Øallallahu ‘alaihi wa  ‘alÉ  Ólihi wa AÎÍÉbihi wa Øallam)


(Peace be upon him)

(Øal Allah-u-‘alaihe wa sallam)


R.A. or Raziallah Anhu

(RaÌi Allah ‘anhu)


R.A. or Raziallah Anhuma

(RaÌi Allah ‘anhumÉ)


R.A. or Raziallah Anhum

(RaÌi Allah ‘anhum)


R.A. or Raziallah Anha

(RaÌi Allah ‘anhÉ)


R.A. or Raziallah Anhun

(RaÌi Allah ‘anhunna)


Rahmatullah alaih

(RaÍmat Allah ‘alaih)


Rahmatullah alaihima

(RaÍmat Allah ‘alaihimÉ)


Rahmatullah alaihim

(RaÍmat Allah ‘alaihim)



The Holy Qur’Én





 As per notification of Government of Pakistan, name of our Holy Prophet should be written as follows:

Hazrat Muhammad Rasullah Khatam un Nabiyyen Sallalahu Alihi Wa Aleihi Wa Sallam


Section default policy

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.