About the Journal
Hamdard Islamicus, a quarterly research Journal of international repute, is being published regularly without break, since 1978.
Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the Hamdard Islamicus. In it different aspects of Islam and their impact on Muslim and non-Muslim societies are discussed. The Journal tries to foster internal as well as external dialogue among Muslims and with those of other faiths, in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, in order to encourage an atmosphere conducive to universal peace and understanding, for a better world. It aims at interpreting the teachings of Islam in such a way as to bring out its dynamic character, in the context of the intellectual and scientific progress of the modern world.Hamdard Islamicus is an Academic Journal devoted to islamic research and scholarship. It is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and , where ever necessary, critically on Islamic History, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, and Jurisprudence etc